Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The government of Heaven on Earth will be run by a king and queen. The people decide on who is to be king and queen next. The king and queen always put the people first. They never worry about themselves. They always make sure that the people are happy. Making the people happy is their goal. The people in Heaven on Earth can have their own opinions and somehow work it out and make sure everyone is satisfied with the decision.

Basically, in Heaven On Earth, no one is really in charge. The king and queen watch the town, they do run the place but everyone helps make a decision. Everyone has to be happy. If anyone violates the rules, people suffer the consequences by getting sent to a different island/society or go to jail. But if they do not follow anything, they will be expelled from Heaven On Earth society. The king and queen are the ones who decide what happens with the people who violate the rules. The people of society do not have a say in it. If the king and queen violate the rules they are to be kicked out of their own throne.

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