Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Day of Relaxation

Dear Journal,

Today in Heaven On Earth society, I woke up to a beautiful morning. Hearing the ocean crash along the shoreline, the birds singing away, and feeling the bright strong sun against my skin. I wake up, get out of bed, and I go make some breakfast. I always have to have a good breakfast before I go running. It was a perfect day to go running on the beach with my dog. I ran along my side of the island back and forth for an hour. I ran home and jumped into the shower and got ready for the day. It was my day of relaxation!

Today, I didn't have to go to work and I decided to treat myself to a day at the spa. The spa I went to was amazing. Right on the beach, so relaxing and the feeling of stress wasn't had no existence. I didn't have to worry about anything and no one, just to relax. I got a great massage and hot rocks sitting along my back. I got a great facial and cold cucumbers resting on my eyes. One of my favorite parts though at the spa was getting my nails done. I was getting my fingers and toes done at the same time! I love going to the spa. I love my day of relaxation.

It was getting towards dinnertime, so I had my husband cook me my favorite meal. He is such a good cook; he loves to cook and I love it too! I hate cooking; I'm not good at it also. We were just in time to sit down and watch the sunset. I love watching the sunset, it's so beautiful. The sky was every color and the sun was a gorgeous yellow with some orange in it. The sun sat right along the ocean line and it gleamed over the ocean. Seeing the sunset completes my day. To finish off my day, I got ready for the night and went out with my friends to a dance club in town. Today was a perfect day.

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